Santaquin Pharmacy & Diabetes Center in Santaquin, Utah believes in providing more than just medicines. They take a patient-centered approach providing educational materials, and other special services to meet unique needs. That’s why making unique patient-specific phone calls made so much sense. “We want to reach out to people who are not sticking to their regime and help them stay compliant on their medication,” says Kevin Marchant, manager for Santaquin Pharmacy. “We have had a great response.” Santaquin has had customers call or come in and thank them for the calls they are receiving. “Only a few have asked us to opt them out,” says Kevin, “which is very simple to do with the Smart Solutions interface.”
Prior to beginning automated call campaigns, Kevin was making all the calls himself. Now, his life is simpler, and he can spend more time personally with folks at the counter. Not only did Santaquin’s prescription volume go up with the refill reminder calls, but their return to stock levels also went down with pick up reminder calls. Kevin commented, “we started our calling campaigns with another major vendor that had a lot of bells and whistles with their interface, many of which we were not using. After shopping around we found Smart Solutions and were able to significantly lower our monthly costs and maintain our same call types.”
Smart delivers many different call types including ready for pickup, first, second & third Reminders, auto-fill (Pre), auto-fill (post) notifications, refill reminders, shipment notifications, happy birthday, and new patient welcome.
Santaquin reported key differences with Smart Solutions: lower Monthly cost, no calls to deceased patients like before, no calls for orders that were already picked up, expired, or discontinued, will-call bin calls are automated, able to see a long history of phone calls, days/times calls are made is determined by you, superior support with very fast response times, and data is generated automatically without anyone having to run a report.